Education World Hemingway quotation Ernest Hemingway Family Tree

Statement of Copyright Adherence

Timeless Hemingway strives to inform, educate, and assist in the study of Ernest Hemingway. This web site is dedicated to not only enriching the knowledge of others pertaining to the author's life, but also to excite interest in and promote discussion of his many great works of literature.

Timeless Hemingway has always been strongly committed to education and not exploitation. The subject of copyright adherence is a matter taken very seriously. Any individual finding material on this web site, which he or she believes is in violation of Federal Copyright Law, should contact Timeless Hemingway so that the objectionable material may be reviewed and if in violation, removed immediately.

The quoted material on Timeless Hemingway complies with the fair use statute of Copyright Law. This web site does not quote from the published literary works of Ernest Hemingway in any manner which violates Federal Copyright Law.

Photographs of Ernest Hemingway appearing on the "Photos" page have unknown copyright holders and are therefore of the public domain.

Timeless Hemingway will continue in its efforts to provide a wealth of educational content on the life and works of Ernest Hemingway and responsibly disseminate this content in a manner which adheres to Federal Copyright Law.