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About Timeless Hemingway

Timeless Hemingway was founded in 1998. Originally conceived as a "fan site," Timeless Hemingway has grown to become one of the premiere web sites dedicated to the life and works of Ernest Hemingway. Part of its appeal stems from the fact that its content caters to a wide and diverse audience from those generally interested in Hemingway, to students researching Hemingway, to professional scholars with more advanced needs.

The Hemingway Quote Finder is the most popular feature of Timeless Hemingway. Quotation source requests have been sent in from people of all walks of life: professors, film production companies, government officials, and authors. Ernest Hemingway is one of the most quoted writers in American literature and his quotations appear everywhere in popular culture. Many users will see a film, hear a Hemingway quotation, get online, and immediately head to the Hemingway Quote Finder to get a source for the quotation.

Timeless Hemingway will remain relevant as long as Ernest Hemingway remains relevant. He is an author who indeed is timeless, an author who could never be discarded from a college course in 20th Century American literature, an author who has left an indelible mark on our culture and in our imaginations.


See where Timeless Hemingway has appeared in print, TV, and on the web.